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We know other HSOs that would like more information on HOP services.  Can someone provide information for the other HSOs?
Yes. Contact your coordinator and they can reach out to other HSOs that may be interested in the program.
Why do we have to complete a readiness assessment before turning services on?
Readiness assessments are done to ensure HSOs are ready for services to launch. Coordinators will meet with the HSO to complete the assessment.
Can I bill for more than one food box at a time?
If the client picks-up or HSO delivers more than one on the same date you can bill for more than one.
Who do we contact if we need to turn services off for a few days?
Contact your coordinator first to discuss turning services off. Since you are contracted for specific services, it will need to be discussed with HOP leadership.
Is it possible that a referral will come in for a client under the age of 18?
Yes, sometimes you will receive a referral for an individual who is under the age of 18. As long as the care manager is one of the organizations that can send referrals and other information is correct they can receive the service.
If we have a referral for car repairs that are more than the cap listed on the service index and the referral is for 6 months. Do we bill all at once or the cap every month ($267.00)?
You are to bill for the entire amount of repair bill, and upload all supporting documents. Upload all receipts associated with car repairs and it must be done in the time frame given for the referral (example 6 months as stated above).
For housing move in assistance, where do I go to find the fair market value?
Please vist the following site for assistance. https://www.huduser.gov/portal/datasets/fmr.html#2022
For housing move in support One-Time Payment for Security Deposit and First Month’s Rent or Short-Term Post Hospitalization what does First month’s rent: 110% FMR (based on home size) Security deposit: 110% FMR (based on home size) x2 exactly mean?
Example one bed room FMR is $575.00 x 110% = $632.50 (you are allowed for the 1st month’s rent and security deposit to be no more than $632.50 each for a total of $1265.00. You can invoice for both. x2 for the security deposit means you can pay more for the security deposit than you can the rent. Some landlords include last month’s rent in with the security deposit. So for example if the landlord is asking $575.00 a month for a one bedroom in Beaufort County that is FMR but could be up to $632.50 with the 110%. The landlord states the security deposit is $1150.00 but could be up to $$1265.00 with the 110%, that is ok. You can invoice both together even if they are different amounts. I know this part may be confusing but please ask questions if you are not sure. The question has also come up if the rent/security deposit is more than FMR example in the above case rent was $700.00 and Security deposit was also $700.00. The client would be responsible for the remaining amount or have to find other housing under the FMR.
Can a client who was approved for services bring someone along if they are approved for transportation services?
No, you can only invoice for the client approved for the services. You are are not allowed to bring other family members unless approved through HOPS for services.
How often should we invoice?
Access East suggest you invoice on a weekly basis, if possible. Therefore, you will receive payment more often and it will help keep your invoice volume down and not have to worry about timely-filing issues.
If I am having invoicing issues and don’t understand can the invoicing staff come to my facility and help?
Absolutely, the invoicing staff can come to you at any time or if you prefer we can do web meetings. Just contact your assigned invoicing specialist or Business Operations Manager and we will be glad to set up a meeting.
What is the turnaround time for payments; the state’s policy is the PHP has up to 60 days to fund the invoices?
The average time for payments are running around 30 days.
If a food box that was attempted to be delivered by the HSO or picked up by the client/patient fails and the HSO can’t re-use the food box, are they are allowed to bill for that box?
How should HSOs pay for high upfront housing services costs while waiting for PHP reimbursement?
PHPs, NLs and HSOs are encouraged to identify solutions to up-front funding concerns that work within their communities. HSOs are permitted to use capacity building funds as initial “seed funds” to cover upfront expenses (such as Security Deposit and First Month’s Rent) while awaiting PHP reimbursement. PHP reimbursement are expected to be used to replenish the seed funds.
Can an HSO provide more than one food box for pick-up at a time? 
HSOs should only distribute food boxes to individual members on a weekly or bi-weekly basis to ensure the Pilot enrollee is receiving nutritious food that includes a combination of unspoiled fresh food and shelf stable food.
Can HSOs use multiple Pilot referrals to meet the requirements of another funding source?
No, Pilot referrals cannot be used to meet the requirements of a separate grant/funding source. Pilot referrals must be completed per the language outlined in the NL-HSO contracts and Department guidance.
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